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Good Bye Annette

Very sad yesterday to learn of Annette Funicello’s passing. MS is a tragic disease. She died of complications. CNN has a great story with several good links. One of my earliest memories of Disney was my babysitter telling me about the Mickey Mouse Club and then showing us the show that afternoon. Annette was obviously prominent. Good bye Annette. You were a big part in starting me down this wonderful journey. Thank you and you will be missed.


Help Dis-Unplugged podcast raise $1 Million for Give Kids the World Village!

Be sure to check out The DIS Unplugged‘s Give Kids the World event, where they are trying to raise $1 million for this worthy cause. They are an organization that provide trips to the Orlando area theme parks for terminally ill children. The story of how this all got started is heart wrenching. To learn more about this worthy event, go to Dis Meet Weekend. To learn more about this great organization, please go to Give Kids the World Village.

Paul of the The DLRage Podcast has a great point of view about Seen, Un-Seen Disneyland. Go Listen!

Have you listened to this week’s The DLRage Podcast episode #9? Paul gives his unique perspective on photographing Disneyland. He also mentions Me and Seen, Un-Seen Disneyland. Loved his point of view about the book. Thanks Paul! Please go listen to his show.