I watched the new Loki mini-series last week. I have a couple things that confuse me, but over all, I really loved it and am looking forward to the rest of the series. The one thing that is really confusing me is how Time works. In Avengers: End Game, they said time does not work the way we all traditionally thought of it. You can not go back and kill you father and prevent your existence. The classical time paradox. Dr. Banner argued that when you go back in time, that is “your future” so it would not affect “your past”. In other words, you can’t change time. Now the Loki show comes out with a whole organization, The TVA (Time Variance Authority), whose job it is, is to protect the time line from changes and put it back on track if someone does. In addition, a big part of this is to protect the harmony of the multi-verse. But isn’t that Dr. Strange’s job? And why is he not aware of the TVA. You could argue that he is and just hasn’t mentioned them yet (maybe the next movie’s whole premise). In the movie Dr. Strange, they keep hitting the theme that there is always a price to pay for changing the time line. But according to End Game you can’t, and according to Loki (TVA) it was supposed to happen or they would have corrected it. One of the great things I love about the Marvel movies is how well coordinated the movies are, how they integrate with each other, and how they support and lead to the next. The TVA seems to create a road bump. Maybe this will all be explained as the series continues or maybe I’m just a big dummy and don’t get it.